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Ago2 Immunoprecipitation for RISC-siRNA Quantitation

 Ago2 (Argonaute 2) immunoprecipitation (IP) is a technique used to isolate RNA-induced silencing complexes (RISC) from cell lysates. This method allows for the specific enrichment of active RISC complexes bound to small interfering RNA (siRNA) or microRNA (miRNA) within cells. By isolating these complexes, researchers can then quantify the siRNA associated with Ago2, which is an essential step in determining the efficacy of RISC loading and siRNA activity.

Here’s a detailed overview of how Ago2 immunoprecipitation is performed for RISC-siRNA quantitation:

Steps in Ago2 Immunoprecipitation for RISC-siRNA Quantitation

  1. Cell Lysis and Preparation of Lysate:

    • Sample Preparation: Collect cells that have been treated with siRNA, then wash them with cold phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) to remove extracellular contaminants.
    • Lysis: Lyse the cells in a gentle, RNA-preserving lysis buffer that typically includes detergents (e.g., NP-40 or Triton X-100), protease inhibitors, and RNase inhibitors to protect both protein and RNA from degradation.
    • Centrifugation: Centrifuge the lysate to remove cell debris and keep the supernatant containing Ago2-RISC complexes.
  2. Immunoprecipitation with Ago2 Antibody:

    • Antibody Incubation: Add an anti-Ago2 antibody to the lysate and incubate under gentle rotation at 4°C for a few hours to overnight, allowing the antibody to bind to Ago2-RISC complexes.
    • Beads Addition: Use protein A/G magnetic beads or agarose beads pre-blocked with BSA or another protein to minimize non-specific binding. Add the beads to the lysate, which allows the Ago2-antibody complex to bind to the beads.
    • Washing Steps: Perform multiple washes with a low-salt buffer to remove non-specific binding while retaining Ago2-bound siRNA on the beads. Washing steps should be thorough but gentle to avoid disrupting the RISC complexes.
  3. Elution of RISC Complexes:

    • Elution from Beads: Elute the Ago2-RISC complexes from the beads. This can be achieved either by using a mild elution buffer or, in some cases, by denaturing the sample if downstream RNA quantification is not affected by protein denaturation.
    • RNA Extraction (Optional): If necessary, extract the RNA from the immunoprecipitated sample to obtain a purified siRNA fraction, often using a commercial RNA extraction kit.
  4. Quantification of siRNA:

    • qPCR or RT-qPCR: To quantify siRNA, reverse transcribe the isolated siRNA (if necessary) and perform quantitative PCR (qPCR) or reverse transcription-qPCR (RT-qPCR) to detect and quantify the siRNA specifically associated with Ago2.
    • Normalization: Normalize the siRNA levels against housekeeping controls or total input to ensure accurate quantitation of RISC-loaded siRNA. Alternatively, standard curves can be used for absolute quantification.
    • miRNA as Endogenous Controls: If applicable, endogenous miRNAs associated with Ago2 can serve as controls to assess the efficiency of the immunoprecipitation.

Considerations for Accurate RISC-siRNA Quantification

  • Antibody Specificity: Use a high-specificity anti-Ago2 antibody to minimize cross-reactivity with other proteins, as this improves the accuracy of siRNA quantitation.
  • RNase-Free Conditions: As siRNA is highly susceptible to degradation, use RNase-free reagents, pipette tips, and tubes throughout the experiment.
  • Avoiding Over-Washing: Excessive washing can lead to loss of weakly bound siRNA from Ago2, potentially underestimating siRNA levels.
  • Standard Curve for siRNA Quantification: Using a standard curve with known concentrations of the siRNA allows absolute quantification, which is useful when comparing RISC loading across different samples.

Advantages of Ago2 Immunoprecipitation for RISC-siRNA Quantification

  1. Specificity for Active RISC: This method specifically isolates siRNA bound to Ago2, allowing accurate assessment of active RISC-bound siRNA, which directly correlates with gene silencing efficacy.
  2. Insight into siRNA Efficiency: Quantifying Ago2-bound siRNA can provide insights into the efficiency of RISC loading, helping to optimize siRNA design and dosage for therapeutic applications.
  3. Application to miRNA Research: The method can also be applied to study endogenous miRNAs bound to Ago2, providing insights into both endogenous and exogenous RNA silencing mechanisms.

Limitations and Challenges

  1. Requirement for High-Quality Antibodies: The success of this assay heavily depends on the availability of high-quality, highly specific anti-Ago2 antibodies.
  2. Potential Loss of Weakly Bound siRNA: Weakly bound siRNA might dissociate during washing, potentially underestimating the true RISC-associated siRNA levels.
  3. High Sensitivity of siRNA to Degradation: Since siRNA is easily degraded, rigorous RNase-free techniques are essential, adding complexity to the workflow.


Ago2 immunoprecipitation is a valuable method for quantifying siRNA within active RISC complexes, allowing researchers to measure the extent of siRNA incorporation into RISC and evaluate its gene-silencing potential. By providing specific enrichment of Ago2-bound siRNA, this technique offers detailed insights into siRNA activity and efficacy, crucial for optimizing siRNA-based therapeutics and understanding RNA interference mechanisms.

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